Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tim Murray kicks ass and takes names!

Hallelujah!! Tim Murray don't take no mess! Timmy don't Timmy don't Timmy don't....

"Murray took the offensive nearly every chance he got yesterday, and not only in the debate. Earlier in the day, Murray went to the Long Wharf Marriott hotel, where Healey was addressing the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Murray approached Healey after her speech and, in front of a group of reporters, asked why she would not release her answers to a questionnaire from the Gun Owners Action League, which endorsed her on Monday.

"We hope you'll be willing to release your answers to the questionnaire, because it will add to a full and valuable discussion on all the issues relating to public safety," Murray said.

"You know what I'd like to know?" Healey shot back, drawing within 2 feet of Murray. "Why don't you release your Mass Teachers Association information?"

The teachers union endorsed the Patrick-Murray campaign last month. Candidates will oftentimes send aides to their opponents' events, but rarely does a running mate make an appearance.

Eye of the tiger!

In last night's debate, which aired on NECN, Hillman sought to keep alive the issue of crime, which has dogged the Patrick campaign over the past week.

"This is a huge issue," Hillman said. "It's Tim Murray who's been a defense attorney. It's Deval Patrick that's been a defense attorney. It's Kerry Healey that's always and consistently been on the side of victims."

Murray responded by saying that he and Patrick had an obligation to defend criminals.

"People in this country have a right to an equal protection under the law and due process," Murray said. "And yes, sometimes that does mean criminal defendants, as unsavory as they might be."

The candidates differed on MCAS. Sullivan and Robinson want to abolish it, while Murray said changes should be made. Hillman called it "the best thing that's happened to our kids."

The candidates also scuffled over whether the state should reduce the income tax rate, from 5.3 percent to 5 percent. Hillman maintained that it should be reduced. Murray said that cutting back now would mean cuts in funding for cities and towns.

"This debate is about change; it's about difference," Hillman said at one point.

"You've been elected state representative for six years; Kerry Healey had four years as lieutenant governor," Murray said. ``You're talking about change. You had your chance, and you didn't do it."

There were some lighter moments. Murray inadvertently referred to his opponent's team as "Kerry Hillman."

Hillman grinned.

"We're not married yet," he said.

Take 'em down Timmy!! I believe in ya!!


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