Monday, October 16, 2006

Shady dudes get their comeuppance

A charming story from the AP wire. As far as I am concerned, these guys were totally asking for it:

"TOLEDO, Ohio - A teenager who put her bra on a car antenna before it flew off and led to a highway accident will be charged with littering, a prosecutor said. Emily Davis, 17, of Bowling Green, told investigators she took her bra off while her friend was driving on Interstate 75.

James Campbell, who was driving behind the girls, said he swerved to avoid the bra and his car flipped several times. Campbell, 37, broke a vertebra in his neck during the Sept. 26 accident. His passenger, Jeff Long, 40, broke several ribs.

A State Highway Patrol crash report, obtained by The Blade, said that the girls told investigators that before the accident the men were motioning to them to lift up their shirts. Both men denied making the gestures.

Davis will be charged next week with misdemeanor littering, said Tim Atkins, a juvenile prosecutor in Wood County. Atkins said he'll meet with troopers before filing the charge.

The girl's friend, Tabitha Adams, 17, of Bowling Green, said she told Davis not to hang her bra outside because she knew it would fly away, according to the report.

Atkins said no other charges were expected."

The Toledo Blade has the great specifics that are typical of a local paper close to one of these "wacky news" stories. First, this awesome diagram:

And some other amusing details:

"But when state troopers asked Mr. Campbell why he unbuckled his seat belt, the report states he responded: “ I don’t know why.”

One independent witness told investigators the girls made gestures with their mouths and lifted their shirts toward Mr. Campbell and Mr. Long, but the men did not report seeing any skin.

Angelia said the girls were pretending to flash another car in traffic, but all three girls insisted when questioned by state troopers that they refused to expose themselves when Mr. Campbell and Mr. Long made gestures asking them to do so.

Both men denied making such gestures.

Mr. Campbell admitted waving to the girls, while Mr. Long said he merely pointed and told his friend to “look at these fools.”

Mr. Long, who was interviewed while he was still at the hospital, had a baseline heart rate of 84 through most of his interview with Trooper Hasty.

When answering questions about whether he “conversed visually” with the girls, the trooper noted that Mr. Long’s heart rate exceeded 100."


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