Hallelujah for Tim Murray!!!
Believe it, my brothers and sisters: Things are gonna change!! I'm here to tell you what's up.
A lotta people been asking me, "Rev, what you think about Mr. Deval Patrick?" He cleaned house last night in the Massachusetts Democratic primary, and has a chance to become only the second black governor in USA history. Yeah, I like that idea, and I like the good vibrations D-Pat is giving me so far, especially 'cause he likes windmills, which I give MAJOR amens to, but when queried about the Bay State elections I always reply, "Stop that jibba-jabba and look down-ticket! The future of American politics is right there before your eyes!"
That's right America, I am talking about my new favorite politician, the Democratic candidate for LIEUTENANT Governor, let me get an Amen for my man Tim Murray!!!
A lot of people think that mean nasty Kerry Healey is gonna win this election by getting in her Swift Boat and running down poor Mr. Patrick with her engines set on "negativity". Then Patrick will get destroyed, because he doesn't have a super rich spouse to fund HIS attack ads. Oh lord!! Now, Massachusetts liberals have a bad track record of getting wiped out by negative campaigning from the Republicans. But I know that D-Pizzle has a secret weapon up his figurative sleeeeve-ah!
K Healey will start talking smack on DP and the people will be like "Huh, you don't say, well now," because let's face it, those Yankees are always ready to believe the worst about everyone, it's the Puritan in 'em, Amen Amen!! But then K to the Hizzo will turn around and say, "and as for Tim Murray, blah blah blah, smackity smackity smackity", or whatever slander her wicked mind can conjure up, and people will say, "Now just hold it there a minute! Are you talking smack about Worcester's Tim Murray? The most beloved cherubic municipal executive in Mass? The man wholeheartedly endorsed by the Worcester Telegram & Gazette??! Nuh-UH! We don't PLAY that crap 'round Heah!" Then she will be chased by an angry torch-carrying mob into the deepest tunnels of the Big Dig, where she will be eaten by sharks that swim in through the cracks in the walls. Hallelujah!!!
See, Tim Murray don't come from the suburbs, from the big house and the front lawn and all that! He from the mean streets of Worcester, y'all! That town's so tough, most of America can't even PRONOUNCE it! It's a city so cracked, its greatest cultural export at the moment is Brookers from YouTube! He uses the letter "4" to mean "for", as in "Women 4 Murray" - that's dope! I'm gonna get me a "Murray 4Eva" button aysapp. He's down with all the Mayors in Mass, formed 'em into a big coalish, motivatin' em to turn the people out for his cause! And dontcha just want to squeeze those pudgy cheeks!!!
Tim Murray for America! Can I get a witness from the congregation???
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